I often wonder how I would describe myself to someone who does not know anything about me. That is because people like me have so much to say about themselves in regards to their character. I’m a very confident person, but I do have a few insecurities that I don’t vocalize. I’m a complete extrovert, but I’m also a very reserved person. I love to paint and draw because it is therapeutic although I’m not very good at it. I also love to cook with my mom, but the only thing I can make by myself is pasta. I’ve tried baking a couple times and I tend to either undercook or completely burn my brownies. My personality is filled with mixed emotions such as these and I would say that I am very complicated yet simple at the same time. When it comes to my life experience, I could say that my family and I have moved from place to place, which would explain how I am easily able to adapt to new environments. I have lived in India, Africa, U.A.E and Texas before I finally moved to Georgia. At every new point in my life, I felt that I was evolving into this new person with a new perspective on life. You could define that as maturity. I learnt how to adjust and grow even if it was not where I wanted it to be. My personality is built on these experiences that I had when I was younger and I learnt something from everyone I met at all these places I have ever lived. Today, after only 18 years of experience, I can surely say that I am a proud woman, a caring sister, a responsible daughter, and a selfless human being.